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Country flag Let's Make a Mug Too

  • 6.3
  • Comedy, Slice of Life
  • Published between 03 Apr 2021, and 21 Jun 2021
Let's Make a Mug Too's picture
  • Episodes 12
  • Duration. ep. 15 minutes
  • StatusFinished
  • Typeanime
  • LicensiedCrunchyroll
  • ▶️ Watch trailer
Together with her father, who had quit his salaryman job, Toyokawa Himeno moves to Gifu prefecture's Tajimi city. That's the city where her mother is from, whom she had lost when she was still young. Himeno is now attending her mother's alma mater, where her classmate Kukuri Mika invites her to tag along to a special place. That place turns out to be the pottery club! There, she learns for the first time that her mother was a legendary potter, and is consequently pulled into the world of pottery.

(Source: Crunchyroll)
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